A G-G-G-Ghost
Blog updated to run on Ghost. Hopefully i'll now post more often!

It's been a long time between posts. No real excuse except that i'm extremely lazy and lack motivation.
Lately i've been thinking i should make more of an effort to post stuff, but my Hugo setup involved some manual work whenever i wanted to post something.
As luck would have it, around the time i was contemplating creating new content Ghost launched their version 3.0. So i took a look and their feature set was pretty appealing, certainly more so than WordPress.
Being a contrary sort i opted to use a Ghost Docker container rather than installing directly on the server. As i already had nginx installed it was trivial to set it up as a reverse proxy for the Ghost container.
Everything seems to be working fine so far, and i've been copying my old Hugo-based posts across (as both Hugo and Ghost use Markdown this is an extremely simple process) and adding header images. Ghost takes care of all the SEO and social meta data generation, which is nice.
The only (minor) complaint i have is that, while the Unsplash integration inserts attribution for images in the post body, there's no way to add attribution for post header images. At the moment i'm getting around this by using Pexels for post header images as these are licensed under Creative Commons Zero and require no attribution. I don't alter the filename of the images, so if you see one you like it should be easy to find the original. I do hope that the Ghost authors eventually fix this problem though.
There's a standalone (Electron) app that connects to Ghost and lets you manage settings or write content without having to go to the site in a browser (i'm writing this post in it), which is pretty handy. Ulysses also has built-in support which i'm eager to try out.
Let's just hope i actually stick to posting new stuff.